March 23, 2025

Write for Us

Share Your Story

Do you have something that you want to share with world?

If your answer is yes, then you are at the right place. is a space where everyone can share their knowledge. We always welcome our guest authors’ advice, experience, and distinctive opinion with our readers. There is no need for any qualification or experience, the only requirement is an interesting, useful, entertaining, or inspiring content piece.

If you are willing to write for, keep on reading!

FAQs On Guest Blogging

What should I write about?
We don’t accept guest articles related to casinos, affiliate links, adult content, gambling websites, or anything illegal. Except for these, you can write anything.

Can I repost my submission on my blog?
No. If we publish your content on our website, we retain the rights to that content. You are not allowed to repost your content on your own or any other website.

How long should my posts be?
The minimum length should be at least 1000 words. We encourage quality guest posts only.

How many backlinks I can add in the content?
We allow only one at this moment. There are a few conditions for backlink. It should not be the home page link of any website. Link will be added in the 2nd or 3rd paragraph only.

Is keyword research needed before submitting content?
Yes, we appreciate it. We encourage adding the most searched and long-tail keywords to your content.

Will you edit my post?
Yes. It depends. If needed, we will do that on our end. However, we accept only quality based articles.

Should I include a photo in the article?
Yes, kindly provide 3 to 5 relevant images for which you have copyright permission. We expect high-quality images only.

Can I become a regular contributor?
Yes, you can. What matters to us is qualitative content only.

Is there a publication fee to be paid?
Yes, email is for the details.

How long do articles take to get published?
Once your article is approved, we will publish it as soon as possible. It may take 1-2 business days max, depending upon the busy schedule.

I’m ready to submit a guest post. Where do I start?
Have you decided to write for us? Great! Kindly share your topics through ericjones2112 (at) gmail (dot) com, and we’ll get back to you soon.

Mention the subject Guest Post Contribution on Articles Zone

Is there any requirement from my end, after submitting the post?
When we publish the content, we expect you to share that on your social media channels.


We thank you for your contribution in advance!

Guidelines to Follow for Guest Blog Contribution

  • While pitching for your guest blog submission, kindly add 2-3 well-researched topics/ideas that you are willing to write for us.
  • After pitching for article submission, we will choose a topic from your given suggestions and allocate you to write on.
  • Write and share your submissions on Google documents so that editors can easily edit, provide feedback and guidance directly within your draft.
  • Your content should be at least 1200 words.
  • Provide proper titles, H1, and H2 tags as required.
  • We allow max 2 external links. (blog post links only)
  • Content must be grammatically error-free and 100% unique.

Outline of content

  • An eye catchy introduction about the topic.
  • Content body (includes headings and subheadings, if needed, add bullet points).
  • Also, add the topic from people may ask.
  • Conclusion/bottom line.
  • Also, add an eye catchy Meta description of 150-155 characters.

Please Note: reserves the right to edit and update published content at any time.

Various Search Queries to Outreach, the Webmasters for Guest Posts

How to find guest blogging or guest posting websites? It is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about the guest post.

Don’t worry!

We have a solution for you. We have shared a few queries that you can use to find useful websites for guest posting. So without wasting time, let’s see what these are:

  • Write for us + keyword
  • keyword intitle:”intitle:”write for us”
  • keyword intitle:”intitle:”contribute to”
  • keyword “submit a guest post”
  • Keyword + inurl:/guest-post/

Here we are giving you a few examples how you can search these queries for different niches.

keyword intitle:”intitle:”write for us”

Art intitle:”write for us”
Automobile intitle:”write for us”
Business intitle:”write for us”
Culture intitle:”write for us”
Entertainment intitle:”write for us”
Fashion intitle:”write for us”
Games intitle:”write for us”
Health intitle:”write for us”
Lifestyle intitle:”write for us”
Music intitle:”write for us”
Parents intitle:”write for us”
Pet intitle:”write for us”
Real Estate intitle:”write for us”
Sports intitle:”write for us”
Tech intitle:”write for us”

keyword intitle:”intitle:”contribute to”

Art intitle:”contribute to”
Automobile intitle:”contribute to”
Business intitle:”contribute to”
Culture intitle:”contribute to”
Entertainment intitle:”contribute to”
Fashion intitle:”contribute to”
Games intitle:”contribute to”
Health intitle:”contribute to”
Lifestyle intitle:”contribute to”
Music intitle:”contribute to”
Parents intitle:”contribute to”
Pet intitle:”contribute to”
Real Estate intitle:”contribute to”
Sports intitle:”contribute to”
Tech intitle:”contribute to”

keyword “submit a guest post”

Art “submit a guest post”
Automobile “submit a guest post”
Business “submit a guest post”
Culture “submit a guest post”
Entertainment “submit a guest post”
Fashion “submit a guest post”
Games “submit a guest post”
Health “submit a guest post”
Lifestyle “submit a guest post”
Music “submit a guest post”
Parents “submit a guest post”
Pet “submit a guest post”
Real Estate “submit a guest post”
Sports “submit a guest post”
Tech “submit a guest post”

Keyword + inurl:/guest-post/

Art + inurl:/guest-post/
Automobile + inurl:/guest-post/
Business + inurl:/guest-post/
Culture + inurl:/guest-post/
Entertainment + inurl:/guest-post/
Fashion + inurl:/guest-post/
Games + inurl:/guest-post/
Health + inurl:/guest-post/
Lifestyle + inurl:/guest-post/
Music + inurl:/guest-post/
Parents + inurl:/guest-post/
Pet + inurl:/guest-post/
Real Estate + inurl:/guest-post/
Sports + inurl:/guest-post/
Tech + inurl:/guest-post/

Keyword + Inurl:”become-a-contributor”

Art + Inurl:”become-a-contributor”
Automobile + Inurl:”become-a-contributor”
Business + Inurl:”become-a-contributor”
Culture + Inurl:”become-a-contributor”
Entertainment + Inurl:”become-a-contributor”
Fashion + Inurl:”become-a-contributor”
Games + Inurl:”become-a-contributor”
Health + Inurl:”become-a-contributor”
Lifestyle + Inurl:”become-a-contributor”
Music + Inurl:”become-a-contributor”
Parents + Inurl:”become-a-contributor”
Pet + Inurl:”become-a-contributor”
Real Estate + Inurl:”become-a-contributor”
Sports + Inurl:”become-a-contributor”
Tech + Inurl:”become-a-contributor”

Keyword + Inurl:”guest-post-guidelines”

Art + Inurl:”guest-post-guidelines”
Automobile + Inurl:”guest-post-guidelines”
Business + Inurl:”guest-post-guidelines”
Culture + Inurl:”guest-post-guidelines”
Entertainment + Inurl:”guest-post-guidelines”
Fashion + Inurl:”guest-post-guidelines”
Games + Inurl:”guest-post-guidelines”
Health + Inurl:”guest-post-guidelines”
Lifestyle + Inurl:”guest-post-guidelines”
Music + Inurl:”guest-post-guidelines”
Parents + Inurl:”guest-post-guidelines”
Pet + Inurl:”guest-post-guidelines”
Real Estate + Inurl:”guest-post-guidelines”
Sports + Inurl:”guest-post-guidelines”
Tech + Inurl:”guest-post-guidelines”

Keyword + “become a contributor”

Art + “become a contributor”
Automobile + “become a contributor”
Business + “become a contributor”
Culture + “become a contributor”
Entertainment + “become a contributor”
Fashion + “become a contributor”
Games + “become a contributor”
Health + “become a contributor”
Lifestyle + “become a contributor”
Music + “become a contributor”
Parents + “become a contributor”
Pet + “become a contributor”
Real Estate + “become a contributor”
Sports + “become a contributor”
Tech + “become a contributor”

“submit guest post” + Keyword

“submit guest post” + Art
“submit guest post” + Automobile
“submit guest post” + Business
“submit guest post” + Culture
“submit guest post” + Entertainment
“submit guest post” + Fashion
“submit guest post” + Games
“submit guest post” + Health
“submit guest post” + Lifestyle
“submit guest post” + Music
“submit guest post” + Parents
“submit guest post” + Pet
“submit guest post” + Real Estate
“submit guest post” + Sports
“submit guest post” + Tech

“free guest post” + Keyword

“free guest post” + Art
“free guest post” + Automobile
“free guest post” + Business
“free guest post” + Culture
“free guest post” + Entertainment
“free guest post” + Fashion
“free guest post” + Games
“free guest post” + Health
“free guest post” + Lifestyle
“free guest post” + Music
“free guest post” + Parents
“free guest post” + Pet
“free guest post” + Real Estate
“free guest post” + Sports
“free guest post” + Tech

“free guest posting” + Keyword

“free guest posting” + Art
“free guest posting” + Automobile
“free guest posting” + Business
“free guest posting” + Culture
“free guest posting” + Entertainment
“free guest posting” + Fashion
“free guest posting” + Games
“free guest posting” + Health
“free guest posting” + Lifestyle
“free guest posting” + Music
“free guest posting” + Parents
“free guest posting” + Pet
“free guest posting” + Real Estate
“free guest posting” + Sports
“free guest posting” + Tech

“guest posting” + Keyword

“guest posting” + Art
“guest posting” + Automobile
“guest posting” + Business
“guest posting” + Culture
“guest posting” + Entertainment
“guest posting” + Fashion
“guest posting” + Games
“guest posting” + Health
“guest posting” + Lifestyle
“guest posting” + Music
“guest posting” + Parents
“guest posting” + Pet
“guest posting” + Real Estate
“guest posting” + Sports
“guest posting” + Tech

Keyword + “submit guest post”

Art + “submit guest post”
Automobile + “submit guest post”
Business + “submit guest post”
Culture + “submit guest post”
Entertainment + “submit guest post”
Fashion + “submit guest post”
Games + “submit guest post”
Health + “submit guest post”
Lifestyle + “submit guest post”
Music + “submit guest post”
Parents + “submit guest post”
Pet + “submit guest post”
Real Estate + “submit guest post”
Sports + “submit guest post”
Tech + “submit guest post”

Keyword + “free guest post”

Art + “free guest post”
Automobile + “free guest post”
Business + “free guest post”
Culture + “free guest post”
Entertainment + “free guest post”
Fashion + “free guest post”
Games + “free guest post”
Health + “free guest post”
Lifestyle + “free guest post”
Music + “free guest post”
Parents + “free guest post”
Pet + “free guest post”
Real Estate + “free guest post”
Sports + “free guest post”
Tech + “free guest post”

Apart from the above queries, here is a special query that you can use to find the specific domain guest posting websites like .org, .net, .com etc.

Here is the query: site:domain extension “write for us” + Keyword
and here are the examples for a few domiains:

.com domain websites: “write for us” + Art “write for us” + Automobile “write for us” + Business “write for us” + Culture “write for us” + Entertainment “write for us” + Fashion “write for us” + Games “write for us” + Health “write for us” + Lifestyle “write for us” + Music “write for us” + Parents “write for us” + Pet “write for us” + Real Estate “write for us” + Sports “write for us” + Tech

.net domain websites: “write for us” + Art “write for us” + Automobile “write for us” + Business “write for us” + Culture “write for us” + Entertainment “write for us” + Fashion “write for us” + Games “write for us” + Health “write for us” + Lifestyle “write for us” + Music “write for us” + Parents “write for us” + Pet “write for us” + Real Estate “write for us” + Sports “write for us” + Tech

.org domain websites: “write for us” + Art “write for us” + Automobile “write for us” + Business “write for us” + Culture “write for us” + Entertainment “write for us” + Fashion “write for us” + Games “write for us” + Health “write for us” + Lifestyle “write for us” + Music “write for us” + Parents “write for us” + Pet “write for us” + Real Estate “write for us” + Sports “write for us” + Tech

I hope these search queries will help you a lot.

Happy Blogging!