In the midst of several prevalent beauty myths, shaving as a technique of facial hair removal is sternly looked down upon. Many women are apprehensive about probable side effects of shaving, like hardening of hair, dark patches, and hair ingrowth.
However, it should be understood that shaving is a painless, hassle-free, and safe method of hair removal. Medically, there is no proof that shaving results in thicker or darker hair growth. It is, comparatively, the cheapest method too.
Due to the taboo and myths associated with shaving facial hair, the simple process has become complicated. Nevertheless, there are certain do’s and don’ts of shaving. But don’t panic, we have got all of them covered here for you –
Things to do or keep in mind while using facial razor
1. Always clean your face before shaving. Probably keep a warm water towel on your face as it softens the skin. Or you can exfoliate your skin which may prevent any hair ingrowth later.
2. Clean your razor before use and rinse it after every stroke. This helps in a smooth shave and eliminates the chances of rashes and cuts.
3. You may either try dry shaving if that does not irritate your skin. But in the latter case, apply shaving cream to prevent any rashes.
4. Always shave in the direction of hair grain and never against it. Moving your razor in the opposite direction may promote hair ingrowth or result in blunt or harsh hair.
5. Always moisturize your skin after shaving, otherwise, shaving may leave your skin very dry.
Things to do or keep in mind while using face razor
1. Never use dull razors. They may lead to cuts or irritation. Also, when the razor is exposed to the environment for a long time, there are high chances of bacteria accumulation on the blade of the razor which can then be passed onto skin while shaving.
2. You should not thrust the razor very hard against the skin. Be gentle and softly run the razor in the direction of hair growth.
3. Never rush the process of shaving. Always take your time. Shaving very quickly or recklessly may result in cuts and infections.
4. Do not continue to shave if you experience any rash or redness of the skin. Apply antiseptic cream in such cases. If the irritation does not ease, contact the doctor, and do not opt for home remedies.
5. Never shave on acne-prone or highly sensitive skin. Shaving should also be avoided in case of medical conditions like eczema, psoriasis etc.
Irrespective of the knowledge of the correct procedure of shaving, it is still surrounded with various myths. So, we have come up with the answers to three most frequently asked questions.
Is it ok to shave a woman’s face?
Shaving is a completely safe method for facial hair removal. In fact, it exfoliates your skin and makes it smoother. This facilitates the application of makeup and absorbs the skincare products deeply. Shaving may cause irritation only on sensitive or acne-prone skin. So, you can try a patch test if you have sensitive skin, otherwise, you are good to go with razors.
Is face razor increase hair growth?
It is completely untrue that face razors increase hair growth. The only difference between waxing and shaving is that the hair is uprooted from roots in the former while the latter doesn’t pull out hair entirely. Hence, hair is visible 3-4 days after shaving while it takes a few days after waxing for hair to come out on the surface of the skin. Now because you are only cutting the hair on the surface while shaving, it is not possible that shaving may affect the thickness or the growth rate of your hair.
Is a facial razor good for the face?
As it goes for any skin care product, facial razors are good if used and kept rightly. You should always opt for good brands of face razors for women. Additionally, it is advised to use single-blade razors, and dull razors should be avoided at all costs. Thirdly, don’t reuse the razor multiple times. Discard it and buy a new one online or offline.
Thus, it can be carefully concluded that shaving is a good method of facial hair removal for women. You should go ahead and buy face razor of women to enjoy a painless and seamless hair removal.